Qtext Version 8.0
Yiddish Phonetic & Other Custom Keyboards
The following notes and files on this page are intended for use with the QText program. Alternatively, click here for information about customized keyboard layouts for use in Windows 2000, for use without QText, in Word and Outlook Express, etc. or here for Windows 95/98/ME Yiddish non-QText keyboards.
Look at our QText Help Notes for instructions on how to create your own Yiddish phonetic keyboard in QText, and also for instructions on how to use various keyboard options in QText. Various UYIP members are currently working on our own versions. You are welcome to examine and try out our various current proposed standard Phonetic and other Customized Yiddish keyboards, below. We welcome your comments, especially because many of us would like to see the development of a standardized phonetic Yiddish keyboard.
Here's what to do to try one of the following keyboards:
1. Check to see if you have a \QTW\QTW.KBD file. An easy way is to go into Windows Explorer. If you don't have one, go to Step 2, below.
If you have a \QTW\QTW.KBD file, you should back it up by changing its name. Right-click on your \QTW\QTW.KBD file, and select Rename. Then, hit your home key and just add your initials to the beginning of the file name - eg; <yourinitials-QTW.KBD>.
2. Download one or more of the following keyboards by following the instructions below. Put the keyboard file into your \QTW\ directory.
3. Rename the new file that you downloaded to QTW.KBD
4. When you open QText, it will read the new file. Be sure to follow the instructions on the Installation & Configuration Notes page to set QText to use the custom keyboard.
In this manner, you can try various keyboards and go back and forth until you decide what you like and dislike about various layout choices. Check back here periodically to see if this file has been updated. Have fun!
Last update: March 25, 2002 10:20 PM
Currently, we have the following keyboard proposals available for perusal, downloading, and testing:
Version 1.3This keyboard layout was created by Jack Halpern with the help of Mark David, Rafael Finkel, Susannah Juni, Noyekh Miller, and Dorothy Wasserman in consultation with members of the UYIP mailing list and participants of Yidish-Vokh 1998. It is based on pronunciation and tries to approximate the YIVO transcription, though pronunciation is given priority.
The basic policy was to find a compromise between a "logical", more or less phonetic, position, and convenience of quick access. This is why there is some redundancy, with some keys appearing in two or three positions.
On August 26, 1998 the layout proposed here was discussed at Yidish-Vokh, improved, and tested. We are quite satisfied that it is easy to use and learn. We invite those interested in using such a keyboard to test it and submit their opinions. After further improvements, we would like to propose it to various software manufacturers as a standard phonetic keyboard for Yiddish. Jack Halpern is coordinating comments via the UYIP mailing list. You can join the list to submit comments. If you want to try this keyboard, you can:
- follow instructions on your drop-down menu; eg.,
- in Netscape, select Save Link As
- in Explorer, select Save Target As
- put the file into your \QTW\ directory. (Don't forget to back up your old QTW.KBD file first.)
- Follow the above numbered steps, at the top of this page.
- Then, open QText, and go to the Language Menu and select Define Keyboard. Then, click on the dot next to YidPhonUS (or YidPhonJP if you are using a computer you bought in Japan).
- Alternatively, if you'd prefer to switch to have a tsadik on an X key and a khaf on a C key, click on the dot next to YidPhonSJ in the above step. YidPhonUS will give you a keyboard exactly as shown below.
In the above picture, the upper left letters in each key require using the shift key, and the red letters in the upper right require using the right-Alt key. Click here for a detailed explanatory listing of the postions on the above keyboard.
This keyboard layout was created by Noyekh Miller. It was designed to take advantage of the top row of keys. In brief, all 40 characters are now available without shifting and yet are arranged in a mostly phonetic scheme. Final keys have also been added as shift keys for those who prefer keeping their keys together. Noyekh Miller is coordinating comments via the UYIP mailing list.You can join the list to submit comments. If you want to try this keyboard, you can:
- follow instructions on your drop-down menu; eg.,
- in Netscape, select Save Link As
- in Explorer, select Save Target As
- put the file into your \QTW\ directory. (Don't forget to back up your old QTW.KBD file first.)
This keyboard was designed by Feygl Infeld Glaser, to replicate the Yiddish Royal and Underwood Manual Typewriter layouts from the 1930s (which were also used for many decades later). Apparently, the Remington layout was slightly different.
- follow instructions on your drop-down menu; eg.,
- in Netscape, select Save Link As
- in Explorer, select Save Target As
- put the file into your \QTW\ directory. (Don't forget to back up your old QTW.KBD file first.)
- Follow the above numbered steps, at the top of this page.
- Then, open QText, and go to the Language Menu and select Define Keyboard. Then, click on the dot next to Royal.
This keyboard was designed by Randy Dean. He wrote: I saw your phonetic Yiddish keyboard on the UYIP website and thought it was wonderful. But I am using a Dvorak keyboard (e-mail for more info if you don't know what it is). And I figured there have got to be other people out there w/ Dvorak keyboards who would like to type Yiddish phonetically, so I added to your keyboard definition in Qtext. I would like to propose that this addition be put into any standard so that people w/ Dvorak keyboards won't get left out.
- follow instructions on your drop-down menu; eg.,
- in Netscape, select Save Link As
- in Explorer, select Save Target As
- put the file into your \QTW\ directory. (Don't forget to back up your old QTW.KBD file first.)
For a general discussion of Yiddish Keyboards, organized by UYIP, click here.
Page Maintained by : Shoshke-Rayzl Yuni (Susannah R. Juni)
mail to:
Last update: March 25, 2002 10:20 PM